• Vabilo na šesto Joto: Profiliranje avtorja

Slovensko društvo za jezikovne tehnologije vabi na jezikovno-tehnološko predavanje, na katerem bo Ben Verhoeven iz Raziskovalnega središča za računalniško jezikoslovje in psiholingvistiko Univerze v Antwerpnu predstavil svoje delo na področju profiliranja avtorja besedila. Predavanje bo v torek, 22. novembra 2016, ob 13.15 v predavalnici 3 na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko UL.

Author profiling: more linguistics and explanation

The task of author profiling is predicting psychological or sociological characteristics (e.g. gender or age) of any author based on their linguistic writing style. Current approaches mostly use word-based features of text to base classification decisions on. Over the last few years, we created two novel corpora for author profiling which we will show to have been very useful resources. We also present the start of our efforts in bringing more linguistics into this task by developing and re-using methods of discourse and semantic analysis in order to use their output as new features for our experiments. Ultimately, we hope to improve our understanding of sociological and psychological diversity of writing style by looking at the explanation behind the behaviour of our classifiers.


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