• FRI Piškot: Luka Čehovin Zajc

O mednarodno prepoznavni iniciativi na področju računalniškega vida Visual Object Tracking Challenge (VOT), ki jo vodi Laboratorij za umetne vizualne spoznavne sisteme na FRI, bo na naslednjem predavanju FRI Piškot govoril Luka Čehovin Zajc. Predavanje bo v angleščini. Dobimo se v četrtek, 30. marca, ob 14.15 v predavalnici P22.

Is my new tracker really better than yours?


I will present our work on performance evaluation in computer vision which is the cornerstone of the international Visual Object Tracking initiative. The initiative annually organizes competitions and workshops to bring together researchers with the goal of establishing standardized evaluation protocols. We have learned that building a strong community requires addressing methodological, technical as well as social aspects. I will talk about these and provide an outlook into the future of the initiative.


O predavatelju:

Luka Čehovin Zajc je doktoriral na FRI leta 2015. Trenutno dela v Laboratoriju za umetne vizualne spoznavne sisteme, kjer razvija nove algoritme za računalniški vid in jih aplicira na področja inteligentne mobilne robotike ter naravnih uporabniških vmesnikov.