• FRI Piškot: Lotrič - Warming up with sling

O uporabi porazdeljenega superračunalniškega omrežja SLING bo na naslednjem predavanju Piškot govoril Uroš Lotrič. Vabljeni v četrtek, 5. januarja, ob 10.15 v predavalnico 22!

Warming up with sling

On our faculty exist permanent and ever increasing need for computer resources. One of the options offered to us but not extensively used is the SLING network. It enables users standardized access to distributed high performance computing infrastructure in Slovenia and abroad. In the talk we will give an overview of the system, its middleware, and formalities needed to obtain access to the infrastructure. During the talk we will make a short demonstration on how to run a simple job on one of the computer clusters in the SLING network.

Predavanje bo v angleščini.