• Do nosu v blatu: Predicting the future at GoOpti

Vabljeni na tokratno srečanje Do nosu v blatu v torek, 20. 12. 2016, ob 17. uri v predavalnici 22 UL FRI. Simon Belak, vodja podatkovne analitike v podjetju GoOpti, bo predaval o izzivih in aktualnih in prihodnjih trendih pri delu z veliko množico podatkov pri zagotavljanju uspešnega in racionalnega poslovanja podjetja, ki je predvsem podatkovno usmerjeno.

Kratek povzetek predavanja (v angleščini):

Successfully forecasting future demand is key in allowing GoOpti its low prices while isolating transport partners from risk. In this talk Simon Belak, Chief Data scientist at GoOpti, will take you through how he approaches forecasting and practices he learned along the way. He will mainly talk about models that do not require excessive amounts of data, about models that are legible and work well as part of a continuous process (rather than being a one-of problem).

O predavatelju (v angleščini):

Simon Belak is the Chief Data scientist Officer at GoOpti. He is in charge of making the company data-driven; building analytics infrastructure (end goal: provide any answer stemming from data in 2 min or less); and developing a predictive real-time pricing engine. Before GoOpti he worked with over 20 startups and growth companies helping them become data driven and set up (or level up) their analytics departments.