doc. dr. Jurij Mihelič
Izredni profesor
T: +386 1 479 8236
E:Pošljite sporočilo
Govorilne ure: Najdete me v kabinetu R2.61 (2. nadstropje, levo iz dvigala, 2. vrata) ali v LALG R2.30 (2. nadstropje, desno iz dvigala, 1. most).
Prostor: R2.61 - Kabinet

Sem član Laboratorija za algoritmiko. Zanimajo med predvsem inženiring algoritmov, eksperimentalna algoritmika, kombinatorična optimizacija in tudi operacijski sistemi, navidezni stroji, programski jeziki ter sistemska programska oprema; vse skupaj lahko tudi v navezi s formalnimi metodami in modeliranjem.

Zaključeni projekti
  • SicSim: A simulator of the educational SIC/XE computer for a system-software course. Jurij Mihelič, Tomaž Dobravec. Computer Applications in Engineering Education 23(1), 2015.
  • Exploratory equivalence in graphs: definition and algorithms. Jurij Mihelič, Luka Fürst, Uroš Čibej. Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2014.
  • Search strategies for subgraph isomorphism algorithms. Jurij Mihelič, Uroš Čibej. Proceedings of Applied Algorithms 2014.
  • Two-stage flexible-choice problems under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 201(2), 2010.
  • Flexible-attribute problemsJurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Computational Optimization and Applications 47(3), 2010.
  • Solving the k-center problem efficiently with a dominating set algorithm. Jurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Journal of Computing and Information Technology 13(3), 2005.
  • Facility Location and Covering Problems. Jurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Proc. of the 7th International Multiconference Information Society IS 2004, Volume D - Theoretical Computer Science.
  • Approximation algorithms for the k-center problem: an experimental evaluation. Jurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Proc. of Operations Research 2002, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2-5, 2002.