• Seminar JOTA: Anaphora and coreference resolution: still a hard nut to crack?

Na aprilski JOTI Slovenskega društva za jezikovne tehnologije bo prof. Ruslan Mitkov z Univerze v Wolverhamptonu predaval o anaforah in razreševanju koreferenc.

JOTA bo v torek, 17. 4. 2018, ob 16.15 v predavalnici P21. Predavanje bo v angleščini.

Anaphora and coreference resolution: still a hard nut to crack?

How far has it gone, what is its impact on NLP and what are the ways forward?



Anaphora and coreference resolution are arguably among the most challenging Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Research in anaphora resolution and coreference resolution has focused almost exclusively on the development and intrinsic evaluation of various algorithms. While publications report positive results, the speaker will show that the replication of some of the best-known algorithms reveals reasons for concern in that the performance is far from ideal and the evaluation is far from transparent.

Anaphora and coreference resolution as tasks are crucial for the operation of NLP systems and should not be regarded in isolation but only in the wider picture of NLP applications. The extrinsic evaluation or the impact of an anaphora or coreference resolution module on a larger NLP system of which they are part, is an under-researched topic and several studies conducted by the speaker, seek to fill in this gap. More specifically, the speaker will discuss whether anaphora and coreference resolution can improve (and if they can, to what extent?) or not the performance of four NLP applications: text summarisation, term extraction, text categorisation and textual entailment. 

The presentation will finish with suggested ways forward as to how anaphora and coreference resolution can do better and will outline the latest related research of the author.


O predavatelju:

Prof. dr. Ruslan Mitkov has been working in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Machine Translation, Translation Technology and related areas since the early 1980s. Mitkov is author of the monograph Anaphora resolution (Longman) and Editor of the most successful Oxford University Press Handbook - The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. He is currently acting as Principal Investigator of several large projects, some of which are funded by UK research councils, by the EC as well as by companies and users from the UK and USA. Mitkov is Professor of Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton which he joined in 1995 and where he set up the Research Group in Computational Linguistics. In addition to being Head of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics, prof. Mitkov is also Director of the Research Institute in Information and Language Processing. Ruslan Mitkov is Vice President of ASLING, an international Association for promoting Language Technology. At the end of October 2014 dr. Mitkov was also conferred Professor Honoris Causa at Veliko Tarnovo University.