• Seminar JOTA: Analysing Dialogue for Diagnosis and Prediction in Mental Health

Leto 2017 Slovensko društvo za jezikovne tehnologije zaključuje z zanimivim seminarjem JOTA, na katerem bo predaval Matthew Purver z Univerze Queen Mary iz Londona. Predavanje bo v sredo, 13. decembra, ob 14.15 v P22 na FRI in bo potekalo v angleščini.

Conditions which affect our mental health often affect the way we use language; and treatment often involves linguistic interaction. This talk will present work on three related projects investigating the use of computational natural language processing (NLP) to help understand and improve diagnosis and treatment for such conditions. We will look at clinical dialogue between patient and doctor or therapist, in cases involving schizophrenia, depression and dementia; in each case, we find that diagnostic information and/or treatment outcomes are related to observable features of a patient's language and interaction with their conversational partner. We discuss the nature of these phenomena and the suitability and accuracy of NLP techniques for detecting them automatically.