• Piškot: Ricciato - Bits of waves

Ta teden bo na predavanju Piškot Fabbio Ricciato govoril o programsko nastavljivem radiu. Vabljeni v četrtek, 8. junija, ob 14.15 v predavalnico 22 na FRI.

Bits of waves

On the implications of radio softwarization for wireless research and technology (and why it matters for computer scientists)

What is meant by Software-Defined Radio (SDR)?
What are the implications of SDR for academic research and teaching?  
In which sense SDR is impacting the evolution of wireless communications, radio-based navigation and remote sensing?
And by the way, can I turn a WiFi network into a radar with SDR?
Are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence relevant for SDR?
What connects SDR to Cloud Computing? And what about SDR and security?
My field of expertise is <you_name_it>: is that relevant for SDR?


If any of the above questions triggers your curiosity, in this Piskot you will find initial hints towards the answers.