• Piškot: O objavah in citiranju v znanstvenih revijah

Citiranost člankov v znanstvenih revijah je pomemben ključ do habilitacije in projektnih sredstev. Na naslednjem predavanju FRI Piškot bo Lovro Šubelj predstavil študijo o sodobnih trendih citiranja med članki. Dobimo se v četrtek, 20. aprila, ob 14.15 v predavalnici 22 na FRI.

Should you (not) publish in computer science journals?

It is well known that scientific production has increased dramatically in recent decades with more and more papers published, referenced and cited each year. The question is whether this growth is accompanied by some novel trends in how scientific papers cite one another. In this talk, I will present the results of a recent longitudinal study of distributions of papers' citations as in the Web of Science. The results show that citation distributions of computer science papers have changed notably after around the year 2000 as opposed to, e.g., physics or biochemistry. I will speculate about the reasons for this change and the implications for computer scientists.

This is joint work with Dalibor Fiala, University of West Bohemia.


O predavatelju:

Lovro Šubelj is an assistant professor in the Laboratory for Data Technologies. His research focuses on the structure and dynamics of large complex networks, and on methods and algorithms for their abstraction, modeling and comparison.