• FRI Piškot: Raziskovalne aktivnosti indijskega statističnega inštituta

Na FRI Piškotu bo imela predavanje ugledna gostja iz Indije, prof. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, direktorica indijskega inštituta za statistiko (ISI), ki je na FRI v gosteh pri prof. Blažu Zupanu. Na predavanju bo predstavila raziskovalne aktivnosti inštituta in svoje raziskovalne skupine. Piškot bo tokrat izjemoma eno uro prej, ob 13. uri. Dobimo se torej v četrtek, 13. aprila, ob 13.00 v predavalnici 22 na FRI. Vljudno vabljeni!

A Brief Introduction to the Research Activities at the Indian Statistical Institute



The Indian Statistical Institute was established in 1931 with the aim of promoting the study and dissemination of knowledge of statistics, developing statistical theory and methods, and their use in research and practical applications to problems of planning of national development and social welfare. In this talk, I will first introduce the Indian Statistical Institute dwelling very briefly on its history and its major activities. I will then discuss some current research works going on in the Institute. I will conclude with a slightly detailed description of an ongoing work on Sequence Similarity Search in my group. 



Dr. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay is a professor and computer scientists at Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata. She has worked in various universities and institutes world-wide including in USA, Australia, Germany, China, Italy and Mexico. Co-author of over 145 journal papers and 140 conference articles her work received over 11.700 Google Scholar citations. Her research interests include computational biology and bioinformatics, soft and evolutionary computation, pattern recognition and data mining. She is a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, India, Indian National Academy of Engineering and West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology. Dr. Sanghamitra is a present director of ISI, a prestigious Indian research institution whose first director and founder was a famous mathematician Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis. ISI conducts research and provides education at all levels of university studies. With just one from every hundred applicants accepted, ISI is a very selective institution. Members and students of our Faculty in Ljubljana may be interested to peek at ISI 2017 computer science entrance exam.


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