• FRI Piškot: Micheloni - Person re-identification for long term target tracking

O izzivih računalniškega vida pri razpoznavanju iste osebe na različnih lokacijah v daljšem časovnem obdobju bo na predavanju FRI Piškot govoril profesor Christian Micheloni z oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo na univerzi v Vidmu v Italiji. Se vidimo v četrtek, 10. novembra, ob 10.15 v predavalnici 22 na FRI!

Person Re-Identification for long term target tracking

One of the most fashionable topics in computer vision and surveillance is trying to re-associating a same person that is moving in a wide environment and who might be detected at a different location and time. Recently, this problem, known as person re-identification, has been tacked with: (i) discriminative signatures, (ii) feature transformations and (iii) metric learning. In this talk will explore advances in all the above approaches for person re-identification. In addition, we will introduce post-ranking optimization and a network-based approach for person re-identification.


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