• FRI Piškot: Chesñevar - Artificial Intelligence meets E-Government

O uporabi umetne inteligence v e-upravi bo na predavanju FRI Piškot govoril Carlos Iván Chesñevar z Universidad Nacional del Sur iz Argentine. Se vidimo v četrtek, 17. 11., ob 10.15 v predavalnici P22 na FRI!

Artificial Intelligence meets E-Government: Contrasting Social Media Information through Argumentation

Governments are increasingly using IT to better interact with citizens, empowering them to share their visions, opinions and viewpoints. This talk will focus on some recent advances on the topic of intelligent recommendation systems in the context of E-Government. The presentation will be focused in particular towards the area of “argument mining”, which involves the automatic extraction of arguments from text in natural languages. This new subarea of AI combines aspects of ontologies, machine learning and computational linguistics. We will discuss our project DECIDE 2.0 (funded by Microsoft Research Latin America), where argumentation and sentiment analysis were combined for intelligent processing of public opinion in social networks.


O predavatelju:
Carlos Iván Chesñevar is the director of the Institute for Research in Computer Science and Engineering ICIC (Conicet-UNS), Universidad Nacional del Sur - San Andres, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.


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