• Piškot: Štrumbelj – Statistical analysis of comparisons data

Ta teden nam bo na predavanju Piškot Erik Štrumbelj predstavil statistično analizo primerjalnih podatkov in razložil, kako se pri tem izogniti najpogostejšim napakam. Vabljeni v četrtek, 18. maja, ob 14.15 v predavalnico 22 na FRI!

Statistical analysis of comparisons data – a brief introduction to doing it less wrong



The most common example of comparisons data in computer science is comparing two or more algorithms over several scenarios/datasets. In this Piškot lecture we will take a look at how such comparisons data are typically analyzed (null hypothesis statistical testing), a few common mistakes, recent developments, and open questions.


O predavatelju:

Assistant professor Erik Štrumbelj completed his PhD in 2011 at the Faculty of computer and information science, University of Ljubljana. For his PhD, he was awarded the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem, in 2015 he received the Young university teachers award from the University of Ljubljana, and in 2016 he was awarded a ARRS research grant for a 3-year project in statistical computation. His research is focused on Bayesian statistics, statistical computation, and statistical methods in machine learning. He also thoroughly enjoys sports, teaching statistics, and comparing things.


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