• FRI Piškot: Janko - AI of a Progressive Chess Master

Vito Janko, prejemnik fakultetne Prešernove nagrade FRI v letu 2016, bo na predavanju FRI Piškot predstavil program za igranje kombinatorično zelo kompleksne igre 1-2-3 šaha (angl. progressive chess). Vabljeni v četrtek, 12. januarja, ob 10.15 v predavalnico 22!

Artificial Intelligence of a Progressive Chess Master

In Progressive chess, rather than just making one move per turn, players play progressively longer series of moves: white starts with one, then black makes two moves in a row, white makes three and so on. The combinatorial complexity generated by many sequential moves represents a difficult challenge for classic search algorithms. We devised a set of heuristics which combined with the A* search algorithm and Minimax algorithm lead to a successful progressive chess playing program. In real-world testing our implementation won both mini-matches against a human chess master.

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