• FRI Piškot: Schedl - User-aware Music Retrieval

O priporočilnih sistemih za glasbo bo na naslednjem predavnju Piškot govoril profesor Markus Schedl z Univerze Johannesa Keplerja iz Linza v Avstriji. Vabljeni v četrtek, 15. 12. ob 10.15 v predavalnico 22!

User-aware Music Retrieval, Recommendation, and Browsing

Since the advent of multimedia streaming services, social media, and powerful mobile devices, users are given access to virtually all music in the world, anytime and anywhere. This ubiquitous availability of millions of music pieces, however, made it much more difficult for the music aficionado to find desired music.  In this talk, I will present our research towards building user-aware music access systems. The focus will be on retrieval and recommendation scenarios, such as context-aware playlist adaptation and location-aware music recommendation. Furthermore, I will present a music browsing system that harvests social media data and allows to explore music taste around the world.


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