Vabljeni na predavanje prof. dr. Ivana Viole iz KAUST-a (King Abdulah University of Science and Technology) iz Saudove Arabije z naslovom »Conversational Interaction and Visualization«.
Predavanje bo v torek, 5. novembra 2024, ob 9. uri v predavalnici 4 na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko UL. Predavanje bo v angleščini
Dr. Viola bo na voljo tudi za dodatne informacije o študentskih praksah na KAUST in dvojnem doktorskem študiju KAUST in FRI.
Naslov: Conversational Interaction and Visualization
Povzetek: The development of transformer-based language models or multimedia models have a remarkable impact on applications in 3D visualization and mixed reality. In my talk I will describe various forms of coupling language models with 3D visualization and modeling applications based on fine-tuning and prompt engineering, and how using specific internal syntax can lead to smooth natural-language interaction experiences. In my talk I will address several aspects related to conversational interaction such as latency, privacy, error-correction as well as blindness of the language model and how to potentially effectively address these.
O predavatelju: Ivan Viola is a professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. He graduated from TU Wien, Austria, in 2005. He took a postdoc position at the University of Bergen, Norway, where he was gradually promoted to the professor rank. In 2013 he received a WWTF grant to establish a research group at TU Wien. At KAUST, he develops new technologies for interactive 3D modeling and visualization, recently exploring the potential of conversational interaction techniques in visual computing and beyond. Viola co-founded the Nanographics startup to commercialize nanovisualization technologies.