• FRI Piškot: Stiller – Emerging applications based on blockchains

Na naslednjem FRI Piškotu bo predavatelj profesor Burkhard Stiller z Univerze v Zurichu predaval o elektronskih pogodbah in o tehnologiji "blockchain", ki omogoča podpisovanje pogodb med različnimi pravnimi in fizičnimi osebami na varen in zanesljiv način. Tovrstno tehnologijo se lahko učinkovito aplicira tudi na področjih financ, javnih registrov ali nabavnih verig. Največjo pozornost je tehnologija dobila ob uvedbi digitalne valute Bitcoin. Vabljeni v četrtek, 19. januarja, ob 10.15 v predavalnico 22!

Emerging Applications in Finance and Beyond based on Blockchains

Povzetek (v angleškem jeziku):

In recent years, diverse electronic contracts have gained attention, especially in the context of the blockchain technology. Public blockchains are considered secure under existing security technology, legally binding under certain circumstances, and operated without any centralized control. They are applicable to a wider range of diverse application domains, such as finance, public registries, or supply chain management. As one of the most important blockchain examples, the Bitcoin approach has reached a very large public, financial industry-related, as well as research interest. However, another blockchain example, Ethereum, is considered to be a more general approach for smart contracts, and which has taken off in mid-2016, too. In general, various different sets of functions, applications, and stakeholders are involved in this smart contract-based arena, backed by blockchains. Thus, these trends, developments, and a few detailed system views are highlighted in this talk and put into interrelated technical, economic, and legal perspectives.


Kratek življenjepis predavatelja (v angleškem jeziku):

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller chairs as a full professor the Communication Systems Group, Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich. His main research interests cover Internet service accounting, economic management, systems with a fully decentralized control (blockchain, P2P), telecommunication economics, and regulatory aspects of communications. Burkhard participates in and leads a number of European, industrial, and Swiss research projects, served as a technical program committee member, as well as a chair of several leading conferences, such as IFIP/IEEE NOMS, IEEE LCN, CNSM, MUCS, and AIMS. He is an editorial board member of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Springer's Netnomics Journal, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Journal of Communications and Networks, and Wiley's International Journal of Network Management. Finally, Burkhard is currently involved in a blockchain start-up as a senior advisor.

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