Predavanje Minxian Xu: Efficient Autoscaling of Microservices
ob 11:00

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje dr. Minxiana Xuja, profesorja s šenzenskega inštituta za napredne tehnologije Kitajske akademije znanosti, ki bo v ponedeljek, 29. julija 2024, ob 11. uri v Diplomski sobi FRI.


Naslov: Efficient Autoscaling of Microservices with QoS Assurance


Povzetek predavanja: The emerging trend towards moving from monolithic applications to microservices has been widely adopted in modern distributed systems and applications, which shifted the traditional applications into light-weight, fine-grained and self-contained microservices. This talk first highlights the main sources of resource inefficiencies for microservice-based system, and then introduces the challenges in addressing the efficient management of microservices with QoS assurance. Finally, some state-of-the-art approaches based on autoscaling microservices to assure QoS will be discussed.


O predavatelju: Dr. Minxian Xu is currently an Associate Professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received the BSc degree in 2012 and the MSc degree in 2015, both in software engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Melbourne in 2019.  His research interests focus on resource optimization in cloud computing and efficient management for microservice-based applications. He has co-authored 60+ peer-reviewed papers published in prominent international journals and conferences, such as ACM CSUR, IEEE TSC, IEEE TMC, ACM TAAS, ACM TOIT, IEEE TSUSC, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TCC, IEEE TASE and IEEE TGCN, including 2 ESI Highly Cited papers. These research works has attracted 3000+ citations (Google Scholar data). His PhD thesis was awarded the 2019 IEEE TCSC Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award, and he was honored to be awarded the 2023 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence (Early Career Award).


He is among the World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University.


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