FRI Piškot: Stankovski - AI Processing of Video Streams
ob 14:15

Vabljeni na FRI Piškot, katerega gost bo izr. prof. dr. Vlado Stankovski s Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo. Tema predavanja bo procesiranje video tokov s pomočjo umetne inteligence. Predavanje bo v četrtek, 22. novembra 2018, ob 14.15 v predavalnici P4.


Povzetek predavanja

The triumvirate technologies – Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud are currently converging with the aim to facilitate numerous new smart applications and environments. In this context, AI processing of video streams is an area of immediate interest to many companies. The implementation of a Big Data pipeline for video streams processing must address several requirements, which pose significant new challenges. These include Quality of Service, security, privacy, and the requirement for automated operation of applications across administrative boundaries. Our new DECENTER project aims to address some of the identified requirements with the development of a new Fog Computing Platform, which relies on Blockchain and Smart Contracts. At this seminar we shall elaborate some of the investigated problems, and discuss the potential of the DECENTER’s architecture to which we actively contribute.


Dr. Vlado Stankovski is associate professor of computer science at the University of Ljubljana. He has over 15 years experience with Grid and Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Semantics, Software Engineering, Machine Learning, and Data Mining technologies. Dr Stankovski has experience in software integration, and has worked with various middleware technologies in the course of the past 15+ years. He also worked on several EU projects including DataMiningGrid (2004-2006), InteliGrid (2004-2007), mOSAIC (2011-2013), ENTICE (2015-2018), SWITCH (2015-2018) and the current DECENTER (2018-2021) project. He is involved in the recently formed Consortium Supercomputing Centre of Slovenia, and in Slovenia's smart specialization projects, such as IQ DOM. Vlado Stankovski currently actively contributes to the Software Engineering cluster of Horizon 2020 projects, as representative of the ENTICE, SWITCH and DECENTER projects.

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