Gostujoče predavanje: Andreas Abraham
ob 11:00

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje Akademije FRI z naslovom "The Evolution of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)", ki bo v četrtek, 13. aprila 2023, ob 11. uri v Diplomski sobi FRI. Predaval bo Andreas Abraham, projektni vodja v podjetju Validated ID.


Naslov: The Evolution of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)



In this presentation, we will elaborate on the following topics:

  • How did the concept of SSI emerge
  • What is SSI
  • Research performed in SSI
  • VIDchain, services to build an SSI system


O predavatelju:

Andreas worked between 2016 and 2022 at the Graz University of Technology (TUG) at the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK). His research interests lie in identity and access management, especially self-sovereign identity, privacy-preserving technologies, applied cryptography, information security, and Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies. In 2018, Andreas became the Austrian representative at the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF) at EBSI. During his work as a researcher at TUG, Andreas published several peer-reviewed publications focusing on SSI and e-Government. He concluded his research with the PhD thesis “Qualified Self-Sovereign Identity – Closing the gap between SSI and traditional identity systems”. In 2022, Andreas started working at Validated ID, a qualified trust service provider based in Spain, and is now responsible for VIDchain, Validated IDs SSI solution.