FRI Piškot: Ivan Luković - projekti Univerze v Novem Sadu
ob 14:15

Na naslednjem FRI Piškotu bo prof. Ivan Luković iz Fakultete tehničnih znanosti Univerze v Novem Sadu predstavil trenutne raziskovalne projekte skupine za informacijske sisteme.

Predavanje bo v četrtek, 19. aprila 2018, ob 14.15 v predavalnici P22. 


Research at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad: An overview



For many years, the main research activities of the Group of Information Systems have been devoted to the methodology approaches and tools providing efficient specification and generation of information system specifications. Special efforts have been invested in methods and tools for database schema design, including the specification of often complex constraints of various types. In recent time, we invested our efforts in deploying Model Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) paradigms together with the application of Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) and Domain Specific Languages (DSL) in support of various tasks in the information system design process, as well as coupling devices of different types with information systems. As we have been tightly in the data management process, our recent research activities also incline to the data science problems. By this, we invested our research efforts in the area of Educational Data Mining, and Health Care Data Mining problems. In the first area, we examined behavior of students with respect to some selected features, as it is for example a stability of selecting seat positions. In the former area, we paid a research attention to the problem of finding the most influencing factors of the Early Childhood Caries decease. Through our group, in the last 8 years, we have 10 already completed Ph.D. theses, while currently the group includes 15 members, of whom 6 Ph.D. and 2 M.Sc. students. The aim of this talk is to present selected research results of our group, already reached through completed Ph.D. theses.


O predavatelju:

Prof. Ivan Luković is a professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Chair for Applied Computer Science. His research topics include: Theory of Data Models, System Design, and development and usage of MDSD/CASE tools in Software Engineering and System Design.