2 years
4 semesters
ECTS credits
  • Obtained title
  • Master of Science
  • The curriculum


  • The curriculum is published in detailed programme descriptions, and the courses are presented in course syllabuses at the bottom of this page.
  • Programme is held in Slovene.
  • How to apply if you are an international student

International students' application procedure - basic steps

  1. Apply via eVŠ portal and submit the documents.
  2. You will be informed about the selection process in September.

Documents needed:


  1. E-copy/scan of the final certificate(s). The copy shall be verified by the issuing institution at the request of the higher education institution. If the higher education institution is unable to verify the authenticity of the document, applicants will be asked to send original of the final certificate(s), legalized according to the system of legalization in the country of issue. ​

    • Countries for which no legalization is required:
      • Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia.
    • legalisation with Apostille: contracting parties of the Hague Conventioncompetent authorities.
    • legalisation in accordance with the Verification of Documents in International Transport Actall other countries not mentioned above. In accordance with the act, certificates are legalised under the regulations of the foreign country, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The stamp and signature of the authorised person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a foreign country must be verified by the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Slovenia abroad, accredited to that country, or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.  
  2. E copy/scan of a Slovene or English certified translation of an education certificate referred to in item 1. If a translation of the certificate(s) is required, the applicant will be asked for it subsequently on the web portal eVŠ. 
  3. E copy/scan of annual report cards, transcripts, diploma supplement or other evidence on the content and duration of education (for all years of pre-university education). If a certified translation of the document(s) is required, the applicant will be asked for it subsequently on the web portal eVŠ.
  4. E copy/scan of short chronological description of the entire education, relevant to the enrolment application and recognition procedure of foreign education, prepared by the applicant himself/herself, stating prior education including the schools attended, dates of attendance, possible transfers, accelerated progress, repletion of courses, extended student status, and similar (Example).


Deadlines: 30 June 2025






Other important information:

  • Tuition fee is 14.700€ per year.

For applicants from Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia there is no tuition fee required. 


For more information contact International Office at international.office@fri.uni-lj.si, or search information on the website of the University of Ljubljana.


  • Main objectives and general skills

Main objectives of the study programme

To offer the technical and non-technical aspects of the field of multimedia and their mutual synergy, specifically:

  • provide systemic knowledge in the fields of telecommunications and computer science,
  • train students to analyse problems, search relevant sources and critically assess information obtained,
  • train students to plan and implement multimedia solutions, both in technical and user aspects,
  • provide knowledge in the area of software development,
  • provide knowledge in the areas of analysing, discovering and visualising data and
  • provide knowledge in the area of analysing and processing multimedia content,
  • train students for teamwork with experts in technical and non-technical fields, including the capacity for active communication in written or verbal form.

Providing high-quality knowledge in the field is a directly verifiable objective linked to the student’s learning outcomes. The successful completion of studies serves as a basis for realistically assessing attainment of the objectives and outcomes. Within just a few years of the first generation of master’s degree holders completing their studies, it will also be possible to verify directly the employability of those graduating from this study programme.

General and subject-specific skills

General skills:

  • ability to define, understand and creatively address problems in the broader field of multimedia,
  • ability to think critically on the basis of analysis and synthesis,
  • systemic knowledge, ability to undertake research and planning,
  • show professional, environmental and social responsibility,
  • ability to engage in active technical communication in written and oral form;
  • ability to make optimal use of information and communication technologies and develop them,
  • ability to autonomously keep abreast of the latest achievements and acquire new knowledge,
  • ability to search resources, critically assess information communicate knowledge,
  • capacity for teamwork with experts in technical and non-technical fields.

Subject-specific skills acquired through the programme:

  • master basic and specialised knowledge in the field of telecommunications and information systems,
  • ability to generate technical plans and implement multimedia systems and services,
  • ability to plan and implement multimedia systems from the user standpoint, including user experience,
  • familiarisation with modern methods of software development in multimedia systems,
  • familiarisation with the basic properties of designing information and visual communication,
  • ability to understand data and extract knowledge from data,
  • ability to analyse various types of multimedia content,
  • ability to acquire knowledge from complementary technical fields and the business sector and understand it.
  • Criteria for recognising knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment

Knowledge which is suitable in content and scope to the educational content of courses in the second-cycle master’s study programme in Multimedia can be recognised in the education process. Recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment is decided upon by the Committee for Study Affairs of FRI and the Study Committee of FE, on the basis of a written application from the student, enclosing certificates and other documents demonstrating successfully acquired knowledge and the substance of such knowledge, and in accordance with the Rules on the procedure and criteria for recognising informally acquired knowledge and skills, adopted by the UL Senate on 29 May 2007.

The selection exam will take place on Friday, 13 September 2024 at 4 PM at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Večna pot 113, Ljubljana.

  • Requirements for progression through the programme

In order to enrol in the second year, students must have completed first-year course units in the amount of 54 ECTS credits. For repeat enrolment in the same year students must have completed at least half the programme requirements of that year (i.e. 30 ECTS credits).

  • Requirements for completing studies

To complete the study programme, students must complete all prescribed course units, for a total of 120 ECTS credits, including their master’s thesis. This programme does not contain any separate parts which can be individually completed.

  • Requirements for transferring between study programmes

In accordance with Article 6 of the Criteria for Transferring between Programmes, it is possible to transfer between study programmes: (1) which on completion guarantee the acquisition of comparable competences and (2) for which at least half the course units under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) from the first study programme relating to compulsory subjects of the second study programme may be recognised in accordance with recognition criteria.

Transferring to the second-cycle Interdisciplinary Master’s Study Programme in Multimedia from other programmes (master’s programmes) is open to candidates who have:

  • met the conditions for enrolment in the second-cycle interdisciplinary master’s study programme in Multimedia,
  • met the conditions for enrolment in the second year of the study specialisation in which the student is currently enrolled, with the added condition that they have completed the requirements in all mandatory courses of the first year or equivalent courses at other higher education institutions whose appropriateness is assessed by the Committee for Study Affairs of FRI and the Study Committee of FE.

Students may also be given consent to parallel enrolment in another study programme based on a personal application and their study performance.

  • Methods of assessment

Student knowledge is assessed for individual subject courses (study units) in the manner envisaged in the course syllabuses (study units). Details concerning the verification of knowledge are defined in the internal documents of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Computer and Information Science.

In accordance with the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana, the following assessment grades are used:
10 (excellent),
9 (very good),
8 (very good),
7 (good),
6 (sufficient),
5 (fail).

For each subject course (study unit), after verification of knowledge candidates receive a single grade from the above scale.

Candidates pass the verification of knowledge in the subject (study unit) if they receive a grade of 6 or higher.

Candidates are granted in full the envisaged number of ECTS credits for that subject course (study unit) if they successfully pass the verification of knowledge in that course (study unit).

  • International mobility

Information on the international cooperation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana can be found on the website http://www.fe.uni-lj.si/en/education/exchange_students_guide/general_information; and information for the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at https://fri.uni-lj.si/en/international-study-exchanges.