Interdisciplinary university study programme
dipl. inž. rač. in mat. (UN)
The following may enrol in the first-cycle Computer Science and Mathematics interdisciplinary academic study programme:
a) a candidate who has passed the general school-leaving examination (matura);
b) a candidate who has passed the vocational school-leaving examination in any programme of secondary professional or secondary technical education, and the general school-leaving examination in mathematics. If the candidate has already passed this subject as part of the vocational school-leaving examination, they must have passed another subject for the general school-leaving examination, but it may not be one that they have already taken as part of vocational school-leaving examination;
c) a candidate who completed any four-year secondary school programme before 1 June 1995.
In case of the decision for limited enrolment, candidates referred to in points a) and c) will be selected according to:
The candidates from point b) will be selected according to:
International students' application procedure - basic steps
Documents needed:
First application period: 18th March 2025
Second application period: 20th - 27th August 2025
First application period: 18th March 2025
Second application period, in case of available enrolment slots: 3rd and 4th September 2025
Timeline for the application process:
Other important information:
For applicants from Macedonia, Montenegro,Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia there is no tuition fee required.
For more information contact International Office at or find more information on the website of the University of Ljubljana.
The aim of the interdisciplinary programme of Computer Science and Mathematics is to provide training in the theoretical foundations of computer science and the related modern branches of discrete mathematics and computing.
Graduates acquire a wide range of knowledge in the basics of computer and information science, enabling them to understand and later on develop new achievements in this area. Furthermore, this study programme continues to produce highly-qualified experts who are trained to work with new technologies yet to be developed, whilst continuing and expanding research and discoveries in computer science and computer mathematics.
Graduates also have a good grasp of background knowledge and can work in new interdisciplinary fields where they can apply their expertise both in theoretical computer science and the relevant mathematical support fields, such as certain disciplines of biotechnology (e.g. genetics and bioinformatics), biomedical sciences, theoretical chemistry and so on.
General competencies acquired through the programme
Graduates are qualified to work in the development of information technologies and research in mathematics and computer science. Their solid foundation also serves them in acquiring new skills in the rapidly evolving field of computer science. Graduates acquire the following general competences:
Candidates meeting the following criteria can enrol in the interdisciplinary study programme:
In case of the decision for limited enrolment, candidates referred to in points a) and c) will be selected according to:
Candidates from point b) will be selected according to:
To enrol in Year 2, students must complete requirements amounting to at least 53 ECTS. To enrol in Year 3, students must complete all requirements from Year 1 and at least 53 ECTS from Year 2.
To complete the study programme, students must complete all exams and other study requirements, including the Diploma seminar, in a total of 180 ECTS.
Transferring is, in accordance with the Criteria for Transferring between Programmes, possible from study programmes which upon completion guarantee similar competences and which enable the recognition of at least half of the obligations based on the European transfer credit system (ECTS) from the first study programme that are related to obligatory courses of the second study programme.
Transferring from other programmes is possible after the first year of study.
The requirements for transferring to the 1st cycle interdisciplinary university study programme of Computer Science and Mathematics from other programmes are:
Transferring is possible on the basis of the provisions applicable to such programmes.
Transferring from programmes offered at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Transferring is possible after Year 1 and Year 2 of studies at FMF. After Year 1, transferring is possible if candidates have completed the following courses in the Mathematics university study programme:
Analysis 1, Algebra 1, Logic and Set Theory, Introduction to Programming and the Computer Practicum. Within one year, candidates must also pass exams for the following courses: Discrete Structures 2, Introduction to Digital Circuits and Computer Systems Architecture in the Computer Science and Mathematics university study programme.
After Year 2, transferring is possible if candidates have completed all of the above-mentioned courses from Year 1 of the Mathematics university study programme, as well as Analysis 2a, Analysis 2b (or Analysis 2), Programming 1, Programming 2 and Discrete Mathematics 1. Within one year, candidates must also pass exams for the following courses: Computer Systems Architecture 1, Computer Systems Architecture 2, Optimisation Methods, Principles of Programming Languages, Fundamentals of Databases, Computability and Computational Complexity and Computer Communications in the Computer Science and Mathematics university study programme.
Transferring from other programmes offered at the Faculty of Computer and Information science
Transferring is possible after Year 1 and Year 2 of studies at UL FRI.
After Year 1, transferring is possible if candidates have completed the following courses in the Computer and Information Science university study programme: Programming 1, Analysis 1, Discrete Structures, Introduction to Digital Circuits, Programming 2, Linear Algebra, Computer Communications and Computer Systems Architecture. Within one year, candidates must also pass exams for the following courses: Analysis 2 and Discrete Structures 2 in the Computer Science and Mathematics university study programme.
After Year 2, transferring is possible if candidates have completed all of the above-mentioned courses from Year 1 of the Computer and Information Science university study programme, and the joint courses from Year 2 (Computer Systems Architecture1, Computer Systems Architecture 2, Fundamentals of Databases, Computability and Computational Complexity, and Principles of Programming Languages) in the Computer Science and Mathematics university study programme. Within one year, candidates must also pass exams for the following courses: Analysis 3, Combinatorics and Optimisation Methods in the Computer Science and Mathematics university study programme.
Assessment methods are defined individually for each course in the syllabus. The general rules for assessment methods are regulated by the Study Rules and Regulations for Bologna Study Programmes FRI and the FMF Assessment Rules. For all courses, knowledge is assessed through a written and/or oral exam. Assessment methods can include: lab tutorial written exams, lab tutorial oral exams, seminars and project work and their oral defences. The grading scale follows the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana. All assessments are graded on a scale from 5-10, where 6-10 are passing grades and 5 failing grade or description grades “passed with excellence" / "passed” / “failed”.