The deadline for registering for exams via the online academic information system: expires at 01:00 on the day before the exam (e.g. if the exam is on Monday, the deadline for registering is 1 am on Sunday morning). After this deadline registration for the exam closes. The deadline for withdrawing from exams via the STUDIS online academic information system expires at 01:00 on the day before the exam (e.g. if the exam is on Monday, the deadline for withdrawing is 1 am on Sunday morning).


Students must register in due time for exams via the system: During registration they select the subject for which they are registering, the teacher lecturing on the subject and the exam deadline. Any student experiencing difficulty registering for exams should refer to the Student Office.

Viewing the registrations for exams allows students to see the exams for which they are registered. Viewing the exam deadlines allows students to see all the exam deadlines and the place and time of the exam




If the STUDIS system informs the student registering for an exam that they must pay for the exam, it must be paid only upon receipt of an invoice (which will be sent to the e-mail address obtained from the University of Ljubljana), in line with the valid price list of the University of Ljubljana administration and the price list of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science administration.
Notice for postgraduate students

For the generation of postgraduate students who enrolled in their first year before the 2005/2006 academic year in accordance with a contract covering postgraduate studies, the following rule applies:

  • if a student does not complete the study programme within five years of their first enrolment, they will be charged for the remaining requirements at the valid price in the year the requirement is completed.
  • for the generation of students who enrolled in their first year from the 2006/2007 academic year on, the following rule applies:
  • if a student does not complete the study programme within four years of their first enrolment, they will be charged for the remaining requirements at the valid price in the year the requirement is completed.





In accordance with Article 6 of the Higher Education Act and the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Computer and Information Science regulates exams, progress through programmes and the conditions for completing studies under all approved programmes by means of the Rules of Study.