1st cycle students of the programme of Computer and Information Science can enroll in the Double Degree programme offered by the Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana and the Kyungpook National University in South Korea.
Kyungpook National University is one the most prestigious universities in South Korea ranking second place as best national university in South Korea and tenth overall. It is becoming an ever more international university and innovative in all its scientific fields.
The call is open to students who are enroled in their second year at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science and will be enrolled in their 3rd year in the next academic year. They must have an average grade of at least 8. Students can apply either to Electrical Engineering Department or Computer Science Department and there are only 10 slots available. Double Degree programme represents two semesters at Kyungpook National University, where students must pass 54 ECTS in their courses, 6 ECTS from Bachelor thesis.
For more information, please make sure to read the Call and visit our online classroom. Deadline to apply is 28th March 2025.
You are kindly invited to join us at the Presentation of the program on Wednesday, 26th March 2025 at 10AM in P04. You will receive information about the program and application procedure and talk to a student currently studying at KNU.
You can also contact us by email vesna.gracner@fri.uni-lj.si.
A Double Degree programme is an opportunity to get two degrees from different institutions in a shorter amount of time. Students have to spend one year abroad at the partner university and prepare their thesis with mentors from both universities. Credits passed at the partner university will be recogniyed at FRI. Therefore, students will obtain two diplomas from the two insitutions.
Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking for an intercultural experience. From the personal growth to learning from different perspectives and methods in your study field, an exchange has multiple advantages, like:
All students who have studied abroad say the same: it was the best and most gratifying experience of their lives and anyone should take advantage of such kind of opportunities.
Scholarship can be obtained at the Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski sklad RS.