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Prof. dr. Franc Solina
Full Professor
- Franc Solina. 15 sekund slave in virtualno smucanje / 15 Seconds of Fame and Virtual Skiing. Exhibition Catalogue. ArtNetLab, Ljubljana, 2005.
- Franc Solina. 15 seconds of fame. Leonardo 37(2):105-110+125, 2004.
- Jaka Krivic, Franc Solina. Part-level object recognition using superquadrics. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 95(2):105-126, 2004.
- Ales Jaklic, Franc Solina. Moments of Superellipsoids and their Application to Range Image Registration. IEEE Transactions on Society, Man and Cybernetics--Part B: Cybernetics 33(4):648--657, 2003.
- Peter Peer, Franc Solina. Panoramic depth imaging: Single standard camera approach. International Journal of Computer Vision 47(1/2/3):149--160, 2002.
- Franc Solina, Slavko Krapez, Ales Jaklic. Multimedia Dictionary and Synthesis of Sign Language. In Mahbubur Rahman Syed, Editor, Design and Management of Multimedia Information Systems Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, 2001, pages 268--281.
- Ales Jaklic, Ales Leonardis, Franc Solina. Segmentation and Recovery of Superquadrics. Computational imaging and vision 20, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000.
- Ales Leonardis, Franc Solina, Ruzena Bajcsy, Editors. Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics. NATO Science Series 3. High Technology, Vol. 84, Kluwer, Dordrecth, 2000.
- Bor Prihavec, Franc Solina. User interface for video observation over the internet. Journal of network and computer applications 21:219-237, 1998.
- Franc Solina and Ales Leonardis. Proper scale for modeling visual data. Image and Vision Computing 16(2):89--98, 1998.
- Ales Leonardis, Ales Jaklic, and Franc Solina. Superquadrics for segmentation and modeling range data. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence PAMI-19(11):1289--1295, November 1997.
- Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy. Recovery of parametric models from range images: The case for superquadrics with global deformations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence PAMI-12(2):131--147, 1990.