Enrolment in the first year takes place entirely via the STUDIS academic information system.


Enrolment takes place as follows:


1. You will need a UL digital identity if you wish to use the University of Ljubljana’s information services. Please obtain a digital identity and set your password on the ID portal at https://id.uni-lj.si -> Digital identity -> Obtain identity. Enter your details exactly as they are stated in your enrolment invitation: your enrolment number, your name and surname, and the name of your faculty: Faculty of Computer and Information Science. Your digital identity will be activated 30 minutes after you obtain it. Your username and password are confidential and should not be revealed to anyone else. If you encounter problems receiving a UL digital identity, report the issue at https://id.uni-lj.si -> Error report. Information on the information services that you will be able to access using your username and password is available online at www.uni-lj.si -> STUDY -> Student INFO -> Information services.

2. You then log on to the STUDIS academic information system using the digital identity you received via the UL-ID website as soon as possible after receiving this notice.

3. After entering the system, click on the link under the heading ‘You meet the conditions for enrolment’, where you will be able to enter your personal details.

4. Please complete all fields of the enrolment form. Some details have been pre-entered. These may only be changed if the system allows it. Instructions for completing the enrolment form are available in the system during the enrolment procedure. We highlight the following:

  • The email address for notifications should accord with your digital identity (it is pre-entered in the enrolment form). It is at this address that you will receive faculty notifications, invoices connected to study processes and messages from teaching staff. You should make active use of this address to keep you up to date with study-related issues relevant to you.  
  • If you wish to have a photograph attached to your student ID card, you must upload it to the STUDIS academic information system during the enrolment procedure. The photograph must be saved in JPG format, be at least 400 x 503 pixels and be produced in accordance with the rules governing personal identification documents in Slovenia.. The ID card will not be issued if the photograph does not meet these requirements.
  • Although you are not obliged to enter your mobile telephone number, we advise you to do so. This will make it easier for us to contact you.
  • The instructions for completing the enrolment form contain tips on how to enter your previous academic grades.

5. After entering all the required information in the enrolment form, click ‘Continue’. The information will then be displayed on the screen to enable you to review it and make any changes. The syllabus for the first year of study, comprising compulsory courses, will be displayed beneath the enrolment form. You can only complete the enrolment form on the website once, so check carefully before final confirmation to ensure that you have entered the information correctly. If necessary, return to the previous page and enter any corrections.

6. If the information you have entered is correct, click on the ‘Confirm’ button.

You must submit a completed enrolment form to the STUDIS academic information system no later than by 14 August 2024.

If you notice an error in an enrolment form that you have completed and submitted (in the information you have submitted yourself or in the pre-entered information), please notify the Office at studinfo@fri.uni-lj.si.

Note: In order to enable your details to be checked in the eVŠ system, any necessary corrections made and your enrolment confirmed, please submit your electronic enrolment form no later than by 14 August 2024. If you miss this deadline, you will lose your place on the programme. The formal part of the enrolment process is complete when the Student Affairs Office confirms your enrolment in the STUDIS academic information system.

7. You can use the STUDIS academic information system to track the progress of your enrolment, and review any requests from the Student Affairs Office for corrections, from 16 August 2024. After you have successfully completed the enrolment process, you will receive an invoice for payment of the EUR 34,80  enrolment fee to your student email address. You must settle this amount within eight days. The STUDIS system will give you the option of printing or exporting your enrolment certificate for the 2024/25 academic year.



If you no longer wish to enrol in a study programme for which you have been accepted, you must notify the Student Affairs Office at studinfo@fri.uni-lj.si no later than by 14 August 2024.


Please consult the service providers’ websites for instructions on claiming subsidised travel tickets.