Assist. Prof. dr. Jurij Mihelič
Associate Professor
T: +386 1 479 8236
E:Send a message
Room: R2.61 - Kabinet

I am a member of the Laboratory for algorithms and data structures and mostly interested in algorithms, discrete problems, combinatorial optimization, computational complexity as well as operating systems, virtual machines and system software. At first my focus was more theoretical but now I am quite excited on bridging the gap between theory and practice and hence the specific areas such as algorithm engineering, experimental algorithmics, beyond worst-case analysis and also development of system software.

Activities and Events
Past projects
  • SicSim: A simulator of the educational SIC/XE computer for a system-software course. Jurij Mihelič, Tomaž Dobravec. Computer Applications in Engineering Education 23(1), 2015.
  • Exploratory equivalence in graphs: definition and algorithms. Jurij Mihelič, Luka Fürst, Uroš Čibej. Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2014.
  • Search strategies for subgraph isomorphism algorithms. Jurij Mihelič, Uroš Čibej. Proceedings of Applied Algorithms 2014.
  • Two-stage flexible-choice problems under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 201(2), 2010.
  • Flexible-attribute problemsJurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Computational Optimization and Applications 47(3), 2010.
  • Solving the k-center problem efficiently with a dominating set algorithm. Jurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Journal of Computing and Information Technology 13(3), 2005.
  • Facility Location and Covering Problems. Jurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Proc. of the 7th International Multiconference Information Society IS 2004, Volume D - Theoretical Computer Science.
  • Approximation algorithms for the k-center problem: an experimental evaluation. Jurij Mihelič, Borut Robič. Proc. of Operations Research 2002, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2-5, 2002.