I am primarily interested in computer graphics, simulations, fuzzy logic, processing structures of the future and the modelling of artificial life. Indeed the application of fuzzy logic to the modelling of artificial life was also the topic of my PhD dissertation. What I find most appealing in this merging is to assist biologists, ethologists, behaviourists, etc. by enabling the rules of behaviour of artificial animals, or animats, to be described linguistically. Other than that I spend quite a lot of time researching different and apparently unrelated fields like the integration of the Bluetooth technology into hospital information systems, modelling and simulation of organized groups, and multi-valued logic, based on quantum-dot cellular automata.
I finished the Computer Science Programme at the Technical School Centre in Nova Gorica in 1994 and continued my studies at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science until my PhD dissertation in 2005.
2000, 3rd place at the 10th student paper competition, ERK'2000, Portorose, Slovenia;
1994, best high school graduate of the Technical School Centre in Nova Gorica, Slovenia;
1993, runner-up at the 17th Young Innovator Competition, Nova Gorica, Slovenia.