The era of the World Wide Web has brought many changes in musical practices. There are a plethora of antinomies involved in the glocalized [25] world: issues juxtaposing between local and global, personal and public, formal and informal, etc. are being constantly raised and rephrased. However, the concept of national music is by no means an abstract one. As with any music, also what people understand as Slovene music has a long history. It reaches into the 19th century (the Springtime of Nations), meanders in Slovenia's case through different national affiliations with different Slavic (and some Non-Slavic) ethnicities until it reaches its political independence in 1991. Ever since 1991, the concept of national musical culture is, of course, a concept that enters an identity debate that is closely connected to digitization and WWW, incidentally coinciding historically with the independence of Slovenia. The objective of the project is to define specific forms and structures of Slovene music, address the circulation of Slovene music since 1991 and conceptualize the processes of defining national music since 1991.