• Call for Collaborative Doctoral Programme

Faculty of Computer and Information Science (UL FRI) and Joint Research Centre (JRC) Ispra, Italy, published a call for applications for a position for a doctoral student for a Collaborative Doctoral Programme, where students are expected to spend up to two years in Italy for part of their research, while the rest of their research will be spent at UL FRI.

The conducted research would be in the following topics:

  • Machine learning modelling and analysis of sensory data and wireless network traffic, with the goal of deducing activities and interactions in the smart environment, profiling users, inferring private and sensitive information.
  • Developing possible countermeasures and mitigation techniques to the identified security threats.
  • Devising an automated system for security policy adaptation governing the behaviour of the smart devices.

The doctoral degree studentship covers the tuition fees, competitive salary for the research work carried out at JRC (approximately 2200€ per month), and a researcher position at UL FRI (candidates are encouraged to participate in teaching activities as well).

The deadline for applications is 1 June 2018.

Make sure to visit the webpage and read the call for applications where you can find all the details on how to apply.

For more information, please contact the International Office FRI.