Prof. dr. Franc Jager
Full Professor
T: +386 1 479 8270
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Office hours: Every Friday, starting at 10:00. Before the visit an e-mail is wellcome.
Room: R3.05 - Kabinet

My research areas include: biomedical signal and image processing, digital signal processing, biomedical computer systems, and human-computer interaction.

Past projects
  • Ž. Pirnar, F. Jager and K. Geršak. Peak amplitude of the normalized power spectrum of the electromyogram of the uterus in the low frequency band is an effective predictor of premature birth, PLoS ONE, Vol. 19(9): e0308797,, 2024.
  • F. Jager. An open dataset with electrohysterogram records of pregnancies ending in induced and cesarean section delivery,  Scientific Data, Vol. 10, Article number: 669, October 2023;, 2023. (Induced Cesarean EHG DataSet, ICEHG DS)
  • Ž. Pirnar, F. Jager and K. Geršak. Characterization and separation of preterm and term spontaneous, induced, and cesarean EHG records, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 151, Part A, December 2022, 106238;, 2022.
  • F. Jager, K. Geršak, P. Vouk, Ž. Pirnar, A. Trojner-Bregar, M. Lučovnik and A. Borovac. Assessing Velocity and Directionality of Uterine Electrical Activity for Preterm Birth Prediction Using EHG Surface Records, Sensors, Vol. 20(24), 7328;, 2020.
  • F. Jager, S. Libenšek and K. Geršak. Characterization and automatic classification of preterm and term uterine records, PLoS ONE, Vol. 13(8): e0202125, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202125, 2018. (Term-Preterm EHG DataSet with Tocogram, TPEHGT DS)
  • M. Amon and F. Jager. Electrocardiogram ST-Segment Morphology Delineation Method Using Orthogonal Transformations, PLoS ONE, Vol. 11(2): e0148814, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148814, 2016.
  • A. Trojner-Bregar, M. Lučovnik, I. Verdenik, F. Jager, K. Geršak and R. Garfield. Uterine electromyography during active phase compared with latent phase of labor at term, Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, Vol. 95(2), pp. 197-202, doi:10.1111/aogs.12818, Feb. 2016.
  • U. Pangerc and F. Jager. Robust detection of heart beats in multimodal records using slope- and peak-sensitive band-pass filters, Physiological measurement, Vol. 36(8), pp. 1645-1664, doi:10.1088/0967-3334/36/8/1645, 2015.
  • A. J. Hussain, P. Fergus, H. Al-Askar, D. Al-Jumeily and F. Jager. Dynamic neural network architecture inspired by the immune algorithm to predict preterm deliveries in pregnant women, Neurocomputing, Vol. 151(3), pp. 963-974,, 2015.