• NIO8 - Digital UL - with innovative use of ICT towards excellence
The Client : Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport ( NIO8 )
Project type: Projects Structural Funds
Project duration: 2018 - 2020
  • Description

The project team includes representatives of 26 UL faculties, 45 study programme coordinators, dydactic experts, experts for innovative technological environments and multimedia, as well as numerous professors who will try innovative ICT-based methods within their courses.

The analysis already revealed a wide spectre of ICT use at UL. Several events with foreign guests are planned to reveal also good practices from academy in other countries. In the next phase, the University Centre for innovative didactic approaches based on ICT will be set up. The centre members will present the directions for innovative use of ICT to UL staff, they will also organize pilot courses based on innovative ICT use at every faculty, pilots will be later evaluated and analysed and directions for subsequent work will be promoted. Within the centre, a collaborative environment with technology support services will be set up, where all the services - didactic, multimedia and tech support - will be hosted.

Good experiences from pilot courses will be sustainably built into existing study programmes, while the quality of new methods will be evaluated periodically.

Beside taking part in one pilot course, the main role of UL FRI is in the design and architecture of technology support - collaborative environment and later reliability and high availability of the Centre infrastructure.

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