International study exchanges International practical training exchanges

Who can register

Who can register

Where can you go

Where can you go

Preparing the bachelor's, master's or 
doctoral thesis or dessertation

Application process for practical training

Recognition of Exams passed Before the exchange
Application procedure After the exchange
Before the exchange Assesment of practical training
After the exchange Cancelling practical training 
Canceling study exchange Forms for practical training 
Forms for study exchange Useful links for practical training 


Important informations

Important links

Contact informations 

Study Exchanges and Practical Training Rules

Erasmus+ Student Charter




Under the Erasmus+ programme or other international programmes in which the University of Ljubljana is included, students may complete a portion of their course requirements at a foreign (partner) institution. The requirements completed at partner institutions are recognised at the home university provided certain conditions are met. The Faculty of Computer and Information Science (UL FRI) is included in the Erasmus+ programme.




Students can participate in international study exchanges if they meet the following minimum requirements:

  • throughout their period of study abroad they have the active status of a student at UL FRI;
  • at their currently enrolled level of study they have acquired in total less than 60 ECTS of the requirements pertaining to prior international study exchanges.


  • For exchanges during first-cycle studies, at the time of the exchange the student must be enrolled in at least the second year of a first-cycle programme at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science.


  • Students must be enrolled in at least the second year of a second-cycle programme at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science (if the student completed the first cycle at UL FRI, at the time of exchange they may be enrolled in the first year of a second-cycle programme at UL FRI).


  • At the time of the exchange the student must generally be enrolled in at least the second year of a third-cycle programme at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science.



Student can go on a study exchange to an institution from the list of bilateral partners of UL FRI, if the bilateral is concluded for the desired level of study. Study at a partner institution lasts a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 12 months. Before going abroad, the student prepares for a stay abroad and collects information about the institution to which he is traveling. The main source of information is the web, and the student can also get useful advice from students who have already participated in similar exchanges.

Study exchanges are also possible at other institutions covered by individual calls.




Students at a foreign institution who wish to prepare the concluding part of the programme in which they are enrolled must obtain approval, prior to their departure on the exchange, for the topic of the final thesis and a written statement from their mentor agreeing to the preparation of the final thesis at the foreign institution (Form for producing the final thesis at a foreign institution). Students must also have a mentor at the foreign institution. A thesis prepared abroad will generally not yield more ECTS credits than one prepared at UL FRI. If during the period of exchange a student prepares only a final thesis, that period of exchange is limited to three months.



Students abroad must obtain as many ECTS credits as they have at the home institution in the semester when they are on the exchange. At the very least they must obtain 20 ECTS in one semester or 40 ECTS for the year.

Students receive recognition for the completion of requirements under the “period for period” and “credit for credit” systems.

If a student is on an exchange at a time when they would attend subjects in a specific semester at UL FRI, that semester is recognised fully, if they received at least as many ECTS for the requirements completed abroad as they have in that semester at UL FRI.

In the event of a student on an exchange not obtaining sufficient ECTS for recognition of the semester in full (but obtaining at least the minimum ECTS requirement), in accordance with the content of the subjects completed and the ECTS obtained, the coordinator for international exchanges will determine which subjects from the semester are to be recognised and which are not.




Erasmus+ programme

1 Students who wish to do an exchange abroad through the Erasmus+ programme can apply in the call via the web application.

The call for the Erasmus+ programme is usually in January for the next academic year.

a) Prioritised selection of five partner institutions to which the student wishes to go on an exchange.

b) Students choose a teacher/mentor at UL FRI for the needs of their exchange.

The main role of the mentor is to advise the student and help them choose subjects at the foreign institution. The mentor can be any teacher at UL FRI (full or associate professor, assistant professor, senior lecturer or lecturer), with whom an agreement must be obtained in advance regarding mentorship.

2 The UL FRI will notify applicants regarding their selection by e-mail.

The UL FRI Academic Affairs Committee selects those students approved for foreign exchanges. The selection is made principally based on the student’s academic success and motivational letter (selection criteria are given in the call).

3 Students approved for study abroad are informed of further procedures by the University of Ljubljana International Cooperation Office (SZMS-UL).

SZMS-UL arranges everything related to the logistics and financial aspects of the exchange.


Other programmes

The application procedure for exchanges under other programmes is specified in the call. All exchanges must first be approved by the UL FRI Academic Affairs Committee, so before applying students must submit an application for approval of the exchange.




1 Sign the learning agreement

The student sends to the partner institution a Learning Agreement (LA) signed by UL FRI and the student; this is a list of obligations which the student intends to fulfil abroad. When the partner institution itself signs and returns the LA, the exchange is finally confirmed. Learning Agreement has to be completed in the Erasmus+ LA Management System (if needed, LA template as a Word document is also available).

2 Obtaining financial assistance

For study exchanges through the Erasmus+ programme, students can request financial assistance. In this students retain their existing grants received in Slovenia.

a) Erasmus+ grant

Students can request an Erasmus+ grant via the UL web application.

The level of Erasmus+ financial assistance at the time of the exchange differs from country to country, depending on the cost of living in the individual country. Countries are divided into three groups in terms of cost of living:

  • Group 1 (high cost of living): Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden and the UK;
  • Group 2 (medium cost of living): Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Croatia, Iceland, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Turkey;
  • Group 3 (low cost of living): Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

Each year the SZMS-UL requests a supplement to the Public Fund for Personnel Development and Grants, which students who meet the conditions will receive automatically in addition to the Erasmus+ financial assistance (there is no need to specifically request this supplement). Students from socio-economically weak environments can request an additional supplement to the Erasmus+ financial assistance upon presentation of a decision from their Social Work Centre.

b) Other grants

Exchanges under other programmes (such as calls of the Slovenian Scholarship Fund EEA and NFM for exchanges in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, calls of the Likar Fund for study at TUM and others) are governed by the financial assistance conditions as set out in the individual call.



1 The host institution sends the student and UL FRI a Transcript of Records confirming the study requirements met abroad and detailing the student’s results.

2 Students must submit a written request for the recognition of exams to UL FRI in exchange for the requirements completed abroad.

The request must enclose the following:

  • a signed Learning Agreement (with any supplements),
  • a copy of the confirmation of period of exchange issued by the SZMS-UL,
  • a copy of the Transcript of Records and other relevant certificates,
  • an informal report on the study abroad and
  • a form with a list of subjects to be recognised (only those students enrolled in an additional year after the end of the study programme).

Students must submit documents relating to their completed exchangee within three months of the end of the exchange, or before the end of the academic year in which the exchange took place.

3 The UL FRI Academic Affairs Committee reviews applications for the recognition of requirements completed abroad.

The Academic Affairs Committee decides which subjects will be recognised for the student in exchange for requirements completed abroad on the proposal of the international exchange coordinator. The student’s recognised requirements are entered in the Studis system, and at the same time a decision is issued recognising the requirements completed abroad, regarding which the student is notified via Studis.

When the student’s requirements completed abroad are recognised, the student may pick up from the international exchange coordinator a certificate recognising the requirements, which must be sent to the UL.

4 Students must send via the SZMS-UL web application:

  • a certificate of the exchange completed (Confirmation of Erasmus+ Student Mobility),
  • the signed latest version of the Learning Agreement,
  • the final report,
  • a language test certificate (via the OLS web tool),
  • a Transcript of Records detailing exams with grades and credits and
  • a certificate of subjects recognised at UL FRI.

5 Information on study exchanges completed abroad is entered in an annexe to the diploma or master’s degree.


In the event of a student for whatever reason withdrawing from a foreign exchange, they must notify the international exchange coordinator at UL FRI (this may be done by e-mail). The international exchange coordinator at UL FRI then notifies the SZMS-UL and foreign institution of the student’s withdrawal.








Students from UL FRI can also pursue practical training abroad, either under the Erasmus+ programme or other international programmes in which the University of Ljubljana is included. The call for Erasmus+ practical training is usually available at the beginning of the calendar year and relates to practical training taken during the academic year that follows.



International practical training exchanges are open to students who meet the minimum requirements:

  • throughout their period of practical training abroad they must have the active status of a student at UL FRI and
  • they must have completed at least the first year at UL FRI, if they are taking the practical training at a time when they have no other study obligations (e.g. during holidays or in an additional year), or they must be enrolled in at least the third year of a professional higher education programme if they are taking the practical training in the summer semester as an integral part of their study programme.


The Erasmus+ programme also enables practical training for graduates who apply for an exchange in their final year of study and take practical training after they finish their studies, but within one year of graduating.



Students can take Erasmus+ practical training at companies or education centres in one of the EU Member States, in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey or Macedonia.

Students choose the company or education centre where they wish to take the Erasmus+ practical training, which is limited to a minimum of two months and maximum 12 months.

Erasmus+ practical training cannot be taken at:




1 Students wishing to take practical training abroad through the Erasmus+ programme should apply in the call  via the web application.

The call for the Erasmus+ programme is usually in January for the next academic year.

On the application form there is no need to give the name of the organisation, if the student has not yet decided where to take practical training. At this point students also choose a teacher/mentor at UL FRI who will advise on the content of the practical training programme.

2 The UL FRI will notify applicants regarding their selection by e-mail.

The UL FRI Academic Affairs Committee selects those students approved for foreign exchanges. The selection is made principally based on the student’s academic success and motivational letter (selection criteria are given in the call).

3 Students approved for practical training abroad are informed of further procedures by the University of Ljubljana International Cooperation Office (SZMS-UL).

SZMS-UL arranges everything related to the financial aspects of the exchange.



1 The student must find an organisation in which they will take practical training.

The topic of the practical training must fall within the field of computer and information science.

2 The student must sign the Learning Agreement for Traineeships.

The student must coordinate a practical training programme with the organisation (the exchange mentor will assist in this), and this programme must be signed by the student, the organisation and the coordinator at UL FRI. The student must send a copy of the signed Learning Agreement for Traineeships to the SZMS-UL.

3 Obtaining financial assistance

For practical training exchanges through the Erasmus+ programme, students can request financial assistance. In this students retain their existing grants received in Slovenia.

a) Erasmus+ grant

Students can request an Erasmus+ grant via the UL web application.

The level of Erasmus+ financial assistance at the time of the exchange differs from country to country, depending on the cost of living in the individual country. Countries are divided into three groups in terms of cost of living:

  • Group 1 (high cost of living): Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden and the UK;
  • Group 2 (medium cost of living): Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Croatia, Iceland, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Turkey;
  • Group 3 (low cost of living): Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.


Each year the SZMS-UL requests a supplement to the Public Fund for Personnel Development and Grants, which students who meet the conditions will receive automatically in addition to the Erasmus+ financial assistance (there is no need to specifically request this supplement).


Due to limited funds, Erasmus+ financial assistance (and the supplement under the Slovenian Fund for Personnel Development and Grants) is usually limited to three months and to one practical training per academic year (regardless of duration).



1. Students deliver an application for recognition of practical training within three months after the training.

In addition to a cover letter, the application should include:

  • a completely filled in and confirmed Learning Agreement for Traineeships, including an assessment of the practical training;
  • a final report on the practical training taken, signed by the work mentor in the organisation, if the student is claiming practical training abroad as an integral part of their study programme (only for students of professional higher education programmes and the subject Industrial Practice).


2. The UL FRI Academic Affairs Committee reviews applications for the recognition of practical training completed abroad.

The Academic Affairs Committee issues a decision recognising the practical training for the student on the proposal of the international exchange coordinator. The student’s recognised requirements are entered in the Studis system (only for students of higher education programmes and the subject Industrial Practice), and at the same time a decision is issued recognising the requirements completed abroad, regarding which the student is notified via Studis.


3.  Students must send via the SZMS-UL web application:

  • a certificate of practical training completed (Learning Agreement for Traineeships),
  • the final report,
  • a language test certificate (via the OLS web tool) and
  • confirmation of recognition of the practical work (if ECTS credits are received for the practical work)


4. Information on practical training completed abroad is entered in an annexe to the diploma or master’s degree.




If the student is enrolled in a professional higher education programme, any practical training taken abroad will be recognised as an integral part of the study programme that the student would otherwise complete at the home institution (subject Industrial Practice). For successfully completed practical training the student receives a grade which the mentor at the company where the student completed the training enters in the certificate (Traineeship Certificate, which is an integral part of the Learning Agreement for Traineeships). The grade given is numbered from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) and is transposed into the valid assessment system (pdf; 44.94 KB) at the University of Ljubljana.



In the event of a student for whatever reason withdrawing from a foreign exchange and practical training abroad, they must notify the international exchange coordinator at UL FRI (this may be done by e-mail). The international exchange coordinator at UL FRI then notifies the SZMS-UL of the student’s withdrawal. The student must also notify the organisation abroad of the withdrawal, if they have already agreed with it on practical training.







Pathway: Internship Abroad

The Career Centers of the University of Ljubljana (KC UL) have prepared the Path: Internship Abroad trail, with the help of which students can prepare a plan for finding an internship and preparing for an internship.


An internship, especially an internship abroad, is a great addition to your resume. Every employer wants to hire someone who has some experience. In today's global world, however, the experience of working in an international environment is an advantage.


However, the desire to go abroad is not enough, so they advise you to prepare a plan for finding and preparing for an internship.


They have prepared a proposal of various activities that will help you fulfil your wish to do an internship abroad – Pathway Internship abroad. By joining the path, you will create your own "TO DO list” (which you will find in POPR), so you do not miss anything and which you can complete by the end of the academic year.


How do you apply directly?

If you already know that following the pathway will be useful for you, you can sign up for it by clicking here.


Apply through POPR platform!

You can book on to the pathway through our platform POPR here. Please, be aware that you will need to sign in with your digital student identity.  If you are a regular student just apply with your digital UL identity. If you are Erasmus student, please register to the platform as Študenti UL brez statusa / Other students. For help please contact KC UL at


Portal GoinGlobal

As of April 2017, again, UL students and graduates are again given free access to the portal GoinGlobal, which provides an excellent source of useful information for finding study placements or internships abroad.

On the portal you can find:

  • global search engine by job vacancies, traineeships, practices that accumulate data from a large number of other job portals (more than 16 million job vacancies);
  • access to career guidance in more than 40 countries, where detailed information is provided on sources for finding job vacancies, visas and work permits, the best employers and the labor market in general, and the cost of living. Examples of motivation letters and CVs in English and local language are given, tips on how to prepare for interview, data on business bonton in the country, wages, etc.;
  • access to the business directory, where profiles of more than 450,000 business entities from 196 countries are presented;
  • access to articles on the acquisition of work experience in the international environment, etc.


Access to the portal is possible from all stationary computers at faculties and academies of the University of Ljubljana via With the Create Account button, you can create a personal account while accessing the university network, and then access content from any location (remote access). In the event of access difficulties, you can contact career advisor Sašo Radusinović (, tel .: 01/241 86 84).

The University of Ljubljana informs you that GoinGlobal has its headquarters in the United States: in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/07 - UPB), you will transfer your personal information to a third country (GoinGlobal portal) to a non-established country which is not registered in an EU Member State or the EEA or is otherwise not subject to its legal order).




The Erasmus + Internship portal brings together practitioners and students who are looking for opportunities for practical training abroad.


Other Links

Other useful links for practical training (in which case students should be very cautious about possible agency services):





Information on the coordinator at the home institution

When you fill in an application to the foreign (host) institution, you must also provide details of the international exchange coordinator at the home institution.


Coordinator at the University of Ljubljana (Institutional Coordinator):

 Ms Bibi Ovaska Presetnik, International Office at UL

 University of Ljubljana

 Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana

 Phone: +386 1 2418 594

 Fax: +386 1 2418 593



Coordinator at the Faculty (Departmental Coordinator):

 Vesna Gračner, Head of the International Office and International Exchange Coordinator at UL FRI

 Faculty of Computer and Information Science

 Večna pot 113, SI-1000 Ljubljana

 Phone: +386 1 479 8249



Erasmus+ ID code

The Erasmus+ ID code of the University of Ljubljana (your home institution) is SI LJUBLJA01.

The University of Ljubljana number of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) is 65996-LA-1-2014-1-SI-E4AKA1-ECHE.

The field of study is Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and the pertaining ISCED Subject Area Code is 061.









Vesna Gračner

Head of the International Office and International Exchange Coordinator at UL FRI


Phone: +386 1479 8249

Office hours: Monday from 10 am to 11 am via Zoom (

Room: R3.04


Ksenija Rozman, MSc

Assistant of International Exchange Coordinator


Phone: +386 1479 8282

Office hours: Monday from 10 am to 11 am via Zoom (

Room: R3.73