Znanstival, the ‘Sciencival’, is a three-day festival organised in June in the centre of Ljubljana for the general public by the House of Experiments, in collaboration with local and foreign scientists and organisations whose mission is to spread science and knowledge.
The experiments, public lectures, workshops and events that any visitor can attend, generate a lot of interest, offering a range of new experiences and satisfying the most curious among us.

The Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana participates in Znanstival with the aim of popularising computer science. In 2015 we presented visitors with a number of projects at our Garden of Experiments stand: visitors could learn about and see for themselves how easy it is to programme a robot, a traffic light and even a telephone put together at home. Visitors also delighted in the very special cupcakes that were decorated by a robot programmed to apply a perfect layer of cream.

On Čevljarski Most bridge, the FRI teacher Dr Janez Demšar took visitors on a scientific adventure, called Bitology, through which he explained and revealed to children and other visitors the operation of bits.