Computer and Information Science is one of the leading breakthrough areas that have been shaping today’s economy, education, culture, administration and other disciplines. The striking rise of computer technology in developed countries dictates the need for highly qualified human resources capable of developing new computer and information technology and implementing it in innovative environments. This study programme is designed to be very attractive and inviting for young people, especially students who envisage pursuing research and scientific work in computer science and information technology. The main focus of the doctoral study is on research, enabling students to receive training in both independent and team work, which encourages an interdisciplinary approach and also offers students the opportunity to cooperate with internationally recognized domestic and foreign experts. Special emphasis is placed on combining scientific and professional areas, elective courses, and on an academic mentor programme to encourage students throughout the course of their study. Get more information through our on-line presentation.
4 years
8 semesters
ECTS credits
  • Obtained title
  • doktor znanosti
  • doktorica znanosti (equivalent to the title: Doctor of Science)
  • The curriculum

In study year 2024/2025 you can choose from several specialist elective courses, that deal with most prominent current research topics in computer science.

A selected list of elective doctoral courses that include topics from computer and information science. Courses are offered at UL and elsewhere.


  • Admission requirements and selection criteria in case of limited enrollment

Admission requirements and criteria for selection in case of limited enrolment

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act Amending the Higher Education Act, which has been in force since 9 September 2006, candidates that have completed the following can enrol in the third-cycle study programme:

  • A second cycle master’s programme;
  • A vocational study programme regulated by EU directives or any other uniform master's study programme evaluated at 300 ECTS;
  • A university study programme adopted before 11 June 2004;
  • A professional study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 and study programmes leading to a specialisation. Prior to enrolment, candidates must complete study requirements in the scope of up to 60 ECTS from the second-cycle Computer and Information Science study programme. Their study requirements (a list of courses) will be determined by the Faculty's committee, in view of the candidate's prior education (completed programme).
  • A study programme leading to a MSc degree. Candidates will be accorded credits up to 60 ECTS.

Foreigners applying for the doctoral programmes are subject to the same conditions as Slovenian citizens, provided they have completed an equivalent education abroad. The equivalence of education with the objective of continuation is determined in accordance with the UL Statutes, and processed by the authorized person at UL, with the content being managed by the Senate of the member Faculty or the UL Senate.

The FRI Senate or the University of Ljubljana publishes the maximum number of places. The Vice-Dean for Research proposes the number of available positions in the doctoral study programme, which is then approved by the Senate. The selection of candidates is based on:

  • Their undergraduate GPA (50%); and
  • The grade of the final thesis from previous education (50%).
  • How to apply if you are an international student

International students' application procedure - basic steps

  1. Apply via eVŠ portal and send the application to University of Ljubljana.
  2. Submit documents by email together with the application.
  3. You will be informed about the selection process until the end of June. The enrolment procedure will be finalized in September.


Documents needed:

  1. CV
  2. Motivation letter
  3. Two recommendation letters
  4. Original or the duplicate of the final certificate, representing general requirement for access to higher education in the country of issue, legalized on the basis of: 
    • the 1961 Hague Convention (at the court with territorial jurisdiction where the certificate or diploma has been issued); with properly filled in apostille form affixed or
    • the Authentication of Documents in International Traffic Act.
    • States Parties to the 1961 Hague Convention can be found on webpage
    • Countries for which no legalization is required: 
      • Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus (for documents issued by public higher education institutions and universities), Czech Republic, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Republic of Macedonia, Rumania, Serbia
  5. Photocopy of the original certificate(s) referred to in No 4
  6. Certified Slovene translation of the certificate(s) referred to in No 4
  7. Annual report cards, transcripts, a diploma supplement or some other evidence on the contents and duration of education.
  8. Certified Slovene translation of the certificate(s) referred to in No 7
  9. Short chronological description of the entire education prepared by the applicant.



  • first application deadline is June
  • Second application period deadline is in August


Other important information:


For more information contact International Office at

  • Funding your studies

UL FRI is currently offering a variety of positions for students to fund their studies.

  1. Young researcher positions
  2. Researcher positions on specific projects
  3. Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia


1. Young researcher positions

Candidates can apply for Young researcher positions. This position offers a full time employment and work on the doctoral research under supervision at our faculty.


2. Researcher positions on specific projects

Doctoral candidates can also seek employment within the laboratories/projects. In this case at least 50% of the tuition fee is covered by UL FRI.

Make sure to visit Career at the Faculty webpage to see the open positions and learn the details on how to apply.


3. Scholarships

The Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of Republic of Slovenia offers scholarships for its students. Make sure to visit the website to learn all the details of the different opportunities.


For more information please contact the International Office UL FRI.

  • Learning aims and outcomes

Main objectives of the programme

The main objectives of the study programme are:

  • To educate highly qualified experts, developers, researchers, and future scientists in the field of computer and information science.
  • To train doctoral students for independent research and development work, using scientific approaches and methods in their work, and for them to master the most recent development processes in the field of computer and information science.
  • To develop teamwork skills, to develop communication skills and the ability to report on scientific research, and to develop skills for work in interdisciplinary groups.
  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of the computer and information science field. 

General skills

After the completion of studies, doctoral students will have acquired independent scientific research and development skills, as well as having solved scientific and development problems for their future employers. They will acquire the ability to understand and critically evaluate difficult solutions to complex problems. They will be trained to find innovative and independent solutions to scientific and research problems, to critically appraise research results, to develop new research methods, and to transfer new technologies and knowledge into practice. They will have the skills to plan the development of complex problem solutions, prepare appropriate project documentation and participate in research and development projects. 

  • Criteria for recognising knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment

As part of the programme, relevant knowledge and skills acquired in formal, informal or experiential learning can also be recognised. The basis for recognition is the Rules on the procedure and criteria for the recognition of informally obtained knowledge and skills:

This knowledge can be recognised as a completed study obligation in a total of up to 6 ECTS for one unit (roughly a topic covered in one course) of knowledge acquired outside of university. The recognition process takes into account certificates and other relevant documentation. Applications for recognition of knowledge and skills will be reviewed by the UL FRI Committee for Research and Doctoral Studies and then upon their recommendation sent to be reviewed by the FRI Senate.


A maximum of 60 ECTS from comparable (or equal) topics acquired through other thirdcycle study programmes can be recognised as study requirements for this programme. Up to 6 ECTS can be recognised from informal education or experience. 

  • Requirements for progression through the programme
  • Students must meet requirements totalling 55 ECTS credits, i.e. all requirements of the first year with the exception of one in-depth or elective subject, to progress from the first year to the second year. 
  • Students must meet requirements totalling 115 ECTS credits, i.e. all requirements of the first two years with the exception of one in-depth or elective subject, to progress from the second year to the third year, and must have a confirmed positive assessment from the Committee for Monitoring Doctoral Students regarding the appropriateness of their doctoral dissertation topic at the FRI Senate. 
  • In order to progress from the third to the fourth year, students must complete all requirements of the first three years totalling 180 ECTS, and have their doctoral dissertation topic confirmed by the UL Senate.
  • Assessment methods

Seminars 1 to 5, Scientific Skills I and II, Research 1 and 2, and the doctoral dissertation are graded with either “passed with excellence”, “passed” or “failed.”

  • Employment opportunities

Employment opportunities for Computer and Information Science doctoral graduates are very broad. Primarily, the programme trains doctors of science who become high-level professionals working in enterprises and social institutions that develop computer or IT solutions. These institutions also use solutions for innovation purposes to gain competitive advantages or to improve the quality of business and work. Typical roles are leadership and R&D. Due to a great need for such professionals at home and around the world, we estimate that the employability of doctoral students who complete the programme is high.

The fact that there is a high demand for such qualified personnel is an additional motivation for future students to enrol in this study programme. This is reinforced by the experiences of students who have completed their doctorates, given the fact that they found jobs without any difficulty.