IT governance, role of IT, IT governance framework,
Operating model, Enterprise Architecture maturity, IT investment evaluation (NPV, UCP), intagible benefits, IT capabilities,
Risk in IT investment evaluation, real options approach to IT investment, portfolio of IT investments, IT chargeback,
Change managment, user resistance, user adoption model, evolutionary vs. Revolutionary change, information systems, data, information, knowledge,
Work System Framework (WSF), Enterprise Architecture (ERP, CRM, SCM, PRM, KM), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-invoice (e-SLOG),
E-business, e-commerce, IS history, key IT roles, IS types (operations support systems and management support systems),
System Development Life Cycle (feasibility study, systems investigations, systems analysis, systems design, implementation, review and maintenance), SDLC types (waterfall, iterative, prototype, incremental), software development methodologies (RUP, XP, Scrum),
Structural development, data design, normalization, denormalization,
Process view (BPMN), project simulation,
Object-oriented analysis and design (conceptual and technical), CRC cards, history of programming languages, OO design principles (abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition, generalization),
Design principles (coupling, cohesion, separation of concerns, information hidding), object-oriented development (RUP), IS development simulation (UCD, VOPC, sequence diagrams),
Semantic Web (semantic data integration, Web 2.0, Web 3.0), blockchain technology (block, transactions, consensu mechanisms, smart contracts, when to use blockchain),