• Course code:63215
  • Credits:6
  • Semester: summer
  • Contents
  • IT governance, role of IT, IT governance framework,
  • Operating model, Enterprise Architecture maturity, IT investment evaluation (NPV, UCP), intagible benefits, IT capabilities,
  • Risk in IT investment evaluation, real options approach to IT investment, portfolio of IT investments, IT chargeback,
  • Change managment, user resistance, user adoption model, evolutionary vs. Revolutionary change, information systems, data, information, knowledge,
  • Work System Framework (WSF), Enterprise Architecture (ERP, CRM, SCM, PRM, KM), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-invoice (e-SLOG),
  • E-business, e-commerce, IS history, key IT roles, IS types (operations support systems and management support systems),
  • System Development Life Cycle (feasibility study, systems investigations, systems analysis, systems design, implementation, review and maintenance), SDLC types (waterfall, iterative, prototype, incremental), software development methodologies (RUP, XP, Scrum),
  • Structural development, data design, normalization, denormalization,
  • Process view (BPMN), project simulation,
  • Object-oriented analysis and design (conceptual and technical), CRC cards, history of programming languages, OO design principles (abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition, generalization),
  • Design principles (coupling, cohesion, separation of concerns, information hidding), object-oriented development (RUP), IS development simulation (UCD, VOPC, sequence diagrams),
  • Semantic Web (semantic data integration, Web 2.0, Web 3.0), blockchain technology (block, transactions, consensu mechanisms, smart contracts, when to use blockchain),
  • Cloud Computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), IT security (malware, software vulnerabilities, vulnerability disclosure).
  • Study programmes
  • Distribution of hours per semester
laboratory work
  • Professor
Room:R2.49 - Kabinet
Teaching Assistant
Room:R2.42 - Laboratorij LPT
Teaching Assistant
Room:R2.42 - Laboratorij LPT